A Collective XR (Extended Reality) Experience Around The Digital Fireplace by Uwe Brunner and Cenk Güzelis

> bitte um Vorab-Anmeldung (Reservierung) für die Eröffnung am Do 22. Oktober
Zur Information: Vor Ort nehmen wir von allen Besucher*innen die Kontaktdaten auf fürs Contact-Tracing (Name, Handynummer, Postleitzahl).

Die geltenden COVID-19-Sicherheitsbestimmungen findet ihr ganz unten auf dieser Seite. Bitte nehmt euch kurz Zeit zum Durchlesen!

The Installation decodes rigid human everyday behavior and reshapes them in an unfamiliar and mysterious way. This experience intends to spark new and unexpected forms of communication, dialog, and interaction between people and their environment. The fire has always been an essential means of warming the human imagination. Gathering in front of fireplaces, telling stories in the flickering glow of the flames, practicing shamanic rituals, or simply celebrating the night's enigmatic character helped us not only to cope with the burdens of everyday life but played a significant role in the development of human culture. The use of fire made us what we are today. This project aims to include the idea of the campfire into digital culture and thereby explore various types of immersive scenarios and experimental storytelling that challenges the intrinsic relationship between body and mind. Much like human cognition, the digital has its cognitive modalities and ways of communication. How do we gather around the digital campfire? What are the cognitive impacts of the digital on brain plasticity? How does a computed cognition feel when feeling joyful or angry?

The interactive Campfire Experience allows you to communicate with the cognitive digital entity via Twitter in real-time for a new type of collective storytelling corresponding to the visitors' emotions.

Projektzeitraum: 14. – 25. Oktober 2020

Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2020, 18:00 bis 21:00 Uhr: Tag der Eröffnung
Freitag, 23. Oktober 2020, 16:00 bis 20:00 Uhr
Samstag, 24. Oktober 2020, 16:00 bis 20:00 Uhr
Sonntag, 25. Oktober 2020, 13:00 bis 18:00 Uhr

Freier Eintritt zu den Veranstaltungen des VORBRENNER

Uwe Brunner is an architect, visual artist, and researcher. He studied at the TU in Vienna, the School of Arts in Amsterdam and received his Master’s Degree from the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. His work has been exhibited and screened in multiple locations including MAK Museum for Applied Arts Vienna, SCIArc Los Angeles, Animation Nights New York, etc. In 2017 he received the TISCHScholarship from the Federal Chancellery of Austria for his Master Project „A Virtual Cultivation“. Between 2017-2018 he was working with Mark Foster Gage, New York. Since 2019 he is a PhD candidate at the ./studio3 Institut für experimentelle Architektur in Innsbruck. His current research is focusing on Gottfried Semper’s approach to theatricality in Architecture and his concept of Metamorphism in relation to new media like Virtual Reality and Extended Reality.
Links: vimeo.com/232314186 | magneticfutures.com/images.html

Cenk Güzelis is a Vienna based digital artist, flmmaker and master graduate in Art and Architecture from the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. He is working on constructing an interactive digital entity with a machine vision to help people dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He worked in Computer Aided Manufacturing at the Platform for Analog and Digital Production, Institute for Art and Architecture, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and led various LiDAR and animation workshops in Denmark and in Austria. In 2016, in the team of Innsbruck based Architecture Practice LAAC, he worked on the Architectural Film Project for the Montenegro pavilion at the 15th Venice Architecture Biennale. His short flms were screened and awarded at festivals in Europe and in the USA. In 2017, his short The Aleph received the Best Short Animation FX award at the 45th Boston Sci-Fi Film Festival. His point-cloud VR project, Theophil Hansen Revisited – A digital museum of Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna – was awarded for the Carl Appel Prize in Vienna.
Link: vimeo.com/user22918387


Beim Besuch im BRUX derzeit bitte beachten (Stand: 1. Oktober 2020):

  • Im gesamten Haus (ab Eingangstür) ist ein Mund-Nasen-Schutz zu tragen, auch am Sitzplatz im Theatersaal (also auch vor, während und nach der Veranstaltungen).

  • Zu Personen, die nicht zum gemeinsamen Haushalt oder zur eigenen Besucher*innengruppe gehören, ist im Theater ein Mindestabstand von mind. 1 Meter einzuhalten. (Als Besucher*innengruppe gilt eine Gruppe von Personen, die gemeinsam eine Veranstaltung besucht, unabhängig von der Anzahl der Personen. Die Besucher*innengruppe verzichtet untereinander freiwillig auf den Abstand von 1 Meter.)

  • Wer sich unwohl fühlt oder Anzeichen einer Erkrankung spürt, bleibt besser zu Hause.

  • Wir setzen stark auf Eigenverantwortung, bitte schaut auf euch und auf alle anderen, dann steht einem Theaterabend im BRUX nichts im Wege.

  • Contact-Tracing: Wir nehmen die Daten aller Besucher*innen auf (Name, Handynummer, Postleitzahl). Sämtliche Daten werden nach Ablauf von 4 Wochen gelöscht bzw. vernichtet (gerechnet ab dem Tag der Veranstaltung).


Donnerstag 22.10.2020 18:00
Freitag 23.10.2020 16:00
Samstag 24.10.2020 16:00
Sonntag 25.10.2020 13:00